Ildi’s birth story

Ildi' very kindly shared her personal diary to me when she told me this story. Thank you Ildi for being so open and for allowing us in to this lovely chapter of your life. I feel very privileged to have been a part of this beautiful, healing experience for you. Ildi chose to have an induction mid-December after suffering with severe Pelvic Girdle Pain, so that she could enjoy Christmas with her young son Duncan and their new baby girl.

From Ildi’s dairy:
After dropping off Duncan, me and Billy headed to the hospital for our 9.30am induction appointment. I felt ready to give birth and couldn’t wait to get things started. As we made our way to the ward we were told that there weren’t any free beds and to go for a walk for an hour.

We went for the walk but I was in quite a lot of pain with my PGP (pelvic girdle pain). This was out of our control but through my hypnobirthing course I had learned how to remain calm in these sorts of situations and how to support my mind & body with breathwork.

An hour went by and we arrived back at the reception, this time we were taken to a waiting area and I was told I would need a CoVid test. Time went by so slowly - I just wanted to have my baby!

After I had my negative test, they took us in to a shared ward to set me up and put me on a monitor to check on Hope’s heart. Then we were told that there was a wait for a birth room and that I might not get one until tomorrow.

I had a vaginal exam with a sweep and they told me that I’m already 2cm dilated! The sweep was uncomfortable & sore and afterwards there was just more waiting. I missed Duncan. I tried to rest as much as I could and luckily Billy was able to stay with me and sleep in the hospital, but I had a shit night. Staff were coming in and out of the room; it was so loud.

Next morning I wasn’t having any contractions. I felt some lower back pain and then my mucus plug came out. We had a video call with Duncan. I didn’t want him to spend another night away from home. I just wanted to leave hospital, go home and cuddle my first baby.

We were told we were on the list for today and would have a room by 12pm… it was closer to 1pm when they took us to the labour ward, and to a tiny room. I was disappointed because I had wanted a water birth but knowing that this was the only available room made it easier to accept. I had known this might happen and was prepared to try different pain relief methods and different birth positions. The shower was still there for me.

It was around 1.45pm when our midwife showed up. A kind, young chatty woman. I knew that I would like her. The 3 of us connected well from the start.

She tried to do another sweep but wasn’t able and called for another midwife. This was pretty painful. They then wanted to insert a cannula in my hand but couldn’t find a vein. They called for a doctor and the same thing happened so they inserted the cannula in my forearm.

After having my waters broken I was able to walk and move around. Me and Billy went for a walk but we didn’t last long as I was needing the toilet and in pain with my pelvis. Things escalated pretty quickly! Surges started coming and I was doing great.

I was using affirmations, listening to music, keeping all UFO (upright, forward & open) positions. I felt like I was in charge. Billy was right there to support me. I used my TENS machine but didn’t find it useful at all.

I ended up being on all-fours on the bed. The bed was small and uncomfy. I was leaning on Billy as the contractions got stronger. I felt I couldn’t do it anymore and I shouted for morphine. The midwife checked me and I was 7cm dilated but as I didn’t know how much longer until I was fully dilated so I asked again for the morphine. She suggested that I try using the shower but it didn’t help.

Back on all-fours I felt an urge to push. It was an amazing but weird feeling. So I pushed and I felt Hope coming out but her head didn’t pop out. I felt that my vagina was going to tear but then another push and she was out.

The midwife handed Hope to me between my legs and I caught her and held her. I was so proud of myself to have been able to birth my baby daughter and have Billy by my side. This was a great birth experience.




let’s have a chat about Vaginal exams