“80% of mothers who stop breastfeeding in the first 6 weeks did not want to”
A stat I quote from the wonderful Professor Amy Brown [buy her books - they are incredible feeding resources]
This. Sucks.
One of the main reasons given was societal pressure.
This. Sucks.
Families need more support. Normal feeding behaviour needs to be talked about, so that it can be normalised and people approach their feeding journeys informed and prepared for the reality of it.
Of course there are people who are unable to feed their babies with their bodies, and those who have real difficulties. This sucks. It’s such an incredibly physical and emotional experience, at a time when for most, your body may not feel like your own. But for those who are struggling, with pain in their body and/or their mind, the least helpful thing you can do is suggest they ‘give up’.
Say ‘how can I help you’ and make some cups of tea; talk about what’s going on and offer some support; research local lactation specialists and help around the house so they can rest / express / cluster feed all day / get their head around their new mind-bending reality. Because, although it’s often meant with the best of intentions, when you suggest parents ‘just give them a bottle’ you are adding to the pressure stop. And there is no ‘just’ about it. Language like this only trivialises what is an incredibly emotive subject.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could get that stat to 80% of families who stopped breastfeeding did so at a time that was right for them?